Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Few More Favs.

Wow! I'm flattered that some of you requested even more of my beauty favs and the ink hasn't even dried on my last post. Thanks!! Ok. You know I love to share any knowledge I may have, so here are a few more.

I am a DOVE SOAP SNOB! I refuse to use anything else. Even when I travel, I take my own Dove soap. I have used Dove since I was 16 years old!!!! It has lotion in it and it does keep my body moisturized. I never have that dry, itchy feeling some soaps can give you. Don't tell Victor I told you, but he is a Dove soap snob since we started dating 13 years ago. He even takes it to war with him! I spend the night with people and leave Dove soap for them. I truly, truly love my Dove soap and am so spoiled by it! It is my oldest beauty product that I've used the longest and been the most loyal to!

I discovered this lip balm about 2 years ago. I have a tube of it in both cars, all my purses, and tucked here, there, and everywhere. It feels like pure silk on your lips and has spf. I have it on now as I am typing this. I keep a tube by my bed and apply it every night. I use it every morning before I leave the house. My little girls are addicted to it as well. I will find them sneaking and putting it on. I don't mind because it is so nourishing and it keeps their little lips from getting dry.

 My new favorite perfume in the entire world!!! I get excited to put it on every morning and I enjoy smelling myself all day long. Real perfume that really lasts! Love it! It smells like roses and is very light and lovely. It reminds me of the perfume I smell in Italy as the Italian women pass me by. D&G is Italian! No wonder! Worth every "stinkin" penny! Ha!

 I have tried many shampoos.....trying to find one that doesn't make my hair dry and frizzy. I have even used the very expensive Kerastase. Loved it, but couldn't afford it. Then I did some research and discovered that L'Oreal makes Kerastase. I had an empty bottle of it and compared the ingredients to other L'Oreal products, and bam....this is it! It is sold in most pharmacy type stores. It would be worth ordering online if you can't find it. I use the one for color treated hair, but any of the Vive Pro is excellent. It really makes a difference. I buy up bottles at a time and have a stock pile of it in case it is ever discontinued. I use the conditioner as well.

This is not a beauty product, but I have to include this candle. It is a Tyler Candle and yes, I love the animal print....that is what got me to buy one in the first place....but this candle rocks!! It makes your entire house smell amazing!! It has a long burn time and  a very, very strong scent. I HATE to buy candles I can't smell burning! I love many of the scents. I would suggest Diva, High Maintenance, and my favorite, Sour Cream Coffee Cake. They also sell hand soaps that are a must have around my house. You will always find one in my guest bathroom. It smells STRONG and I like the Diva soap. Even Ava says it smells so good every time she washes her hands. It makes the entire bathroom smell amazing afterwards.

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